Aluminium-Verbundplatten für den Digitaldruck und VISCOM

RedBOND conquers the old continent

RedBOND’s strategy to become the European affordable ACP manufacturer is developing in the right direction. Only in the last months the company has managed to close 8 agreements with European retailers for year 2013.

RedBOND’s intention is to reach an agreement with a single retailer from each European country that will have the exclusivity of transmitting the brand’s image and selling its wide range of products throughout its country.

Starting January the 1st 2013, RedBOND will offer aluminum composite panels covered with branded protective sheets showing its logo. This will help increase the brand’s awareness in those countries where it is already operating.

RedBOND is proud to see how its expansion strategy has successfully developed, meeting objectives during year 2012. However, the company knows there is yet a lot more to come! RedBOND’s first stop: Europe. Destination: The World